The View From Here

Monday, December 03, 2007

16 Months!


It's me Max with a much overdue newsletter!!! So sorry that I haven't sent a newsletter in some time, Mommy started working again and is getting used to the whole new schedule so we've been pretty busy.

Things with me are going great! I don't go to the same daycare
anymore as she had to shut down her daycare, it was sad but we will still go and visit her. Now Mommy and Daddy's friend Ursula looks after me and boy oh boy is it fun! She has a little boy who is 8 months old, he can't run around like me but I am trying to teach him everything I know, good and bad! uh oh! I have so much fun there though so everyone is very very happy!

I am 16 months old and getting so big now, I weigh about 23 pounds and
am very very tall. I am still a skinny boy, but Dr Taylor says I am "perfect", gosh I love it when she says that! A few weeks ago I had Roseola, now that's no fun at all, all fevered and rashy, but it's not serious and I got better quickly so that's good.

I am still quite the
comedian, I love to do things that make people laugh, I am quite the attention getter. I love to dance and spin and jump and lately I have really gotten a kick out of walking backwards, don't ask why! I love to clap and drum and sing and give high fives and if you ask me I can point to my eyes, my nose, my belly button and my diaper, it is very cute I am so smart! I nod "yes" and shake my head "no" now too.

I am
also learning about being gentle, which I am getting better at sometimes I just get so excited! The other day Mommy asked me to give her some love, and to her amazement I knew exactly what she meant and I came over and gave her a hug and a kiss. I give all kinds of kisses now, I am so affectionate. I have totally perfected walking and running a while ago, now I am working on marching, stomping and jumping. I love to march around the house. My biggest thing is climbing. (Mommy sighs) I love to stand on things I am not supposed to all the time so I am keeping everyone busy around me!!!

Now that it is cold outside I have to get all bundled up
which to everyone's surprise I am very very good about, I don't mind getting my coat and mittens and boots and stuff on, I even try to help Mommy do it, I am such a big helpful boy! My all time favorite game is "pretend to eat" I know, it sounds funny, but I love to play with spoons and bowls, which I stir up and pretend to eat and make all kinds of "yum yum yum" sounds, maybe I'll grow up and be a chef like my uncle Jay! It doesn't even have to be a bowl, I'll stir in a bucket, a cup, even my boot, yum yum boot soup! I say "hi!" to everyone I see and am such a friendly boy who is not the tiniest bit shy.

Anyway friends and family, I should go and get to bed, hope you are
all doing fantastic!!! Enjoy the pics (I have a bit of a rash on my face from slobbering so much, just in case you are wondering) Love you all! Big Boy Max