The View From Here

Monday, July 23, 2007

Back by popular's me, Max here with my Newsletter!!!

Well, it was never gone, just Mommy has been so busy that she hasn't gotten around to sending one in a while.

So I am now 11 and a half months old, can you believe it!?!?! It is my birthday at the end of the month, I can't believe that I am almost one year old! Holy Moley!!! Things with me are going great. The past 2 weeks though, I have been sick with a bad cough and an ear infection in each ear. gross. It's no fun, for me or for mom and dad, who had to get up with me throughout the night. But I got some medicine from the doctor and I am feeling much better and am getting back to my usual happy funny self.

I am not walking yet, unless I am holding onto something, but I can stand on my own pretty well now. I have 6 teeth so I can chew pretty good too, if I can ever get out of the habit of stuffing as much into my mouth as can possibly fit! My eyes are as blue as ever and my hair is such a light brown it is just about blond. People tell me I am very handsome, but I don't know what that means yet.

One thing that is exciting is how many words I can say!!! Lately it seems like I can say all sorts of things all of a sudden, which is making mommy and daddy very excited! I can say mum-mum for mommy, and I now say daddy instead of "dada", I can say "whiskey" for my kitty cat, which sounds like "dissy", but it is very obvious what I mean. I say "uh oh" all the time, sometimes I will drop something just for the opportunity to say uh-oh, it is quite funny. I can say fish (sounds like "tish") for my fish tank I have in my room, and I can say "hi", although normally I just wave. Mommy and Daddy think I can say kitty cat too, which sounds like "ti tat" but they are waiting for it to be more obvious, but I DO say it whenever I see a cat, so they are pretty sure. One thing they are sure about it how smart I am!!!

I went to my first birthday party, for my cousin, Abby, it was lots of fun, I was so pooped by the end of it that I fell fast asleep during dinner in my highchair... It was a lot of fun though, I can't wait for my birthday!!! You get to eat cake!!!
Anyway, this is getting long so I will go for now, I promise the next newsletter will be soon!!!

Love you all,
Baby (I mean, big-boy, toddler) Max!


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