Sorry this newsletter took me a while to get out, we have been SO SO busy!!!
We moved into our new house!! I like it a whole lot, there is so much to see, I like my cool new room, and I even have a playroom downstairs, but it is still full of boxes right now. It is a much better house I think, more space, 2 whole floors and it is much safer for me for when I start crawling around, which will be soon I think! Thanks to everyone who helped us move!!!
Things with me are great! I got two more teeth, so now I have 3 teeth!! They hurt coming in, but I am feeling better now. I now have one bottom tooth and two top teeth, good for chomping on things! Mommy says I eat like a horse now too, I sent a bunch of pictures of me eating, it's funny because I make such a HUGE mess! My favorite things to eat these days are baby cookies, yogurt, any kind of fruit and I love creamed corn baby food, yum yum. I have a high chair at this house which makes my meal times much easier for mommy during the day. I am a very busy baby these days, I don't like to sit still unless I am doing something very interesting, I just want to go go go. I can sit up perfectly now, and can get from laying down to sitting up in seconds. I can also stand up by myself, if I hold onto something like the back of the couch or my crib bars, but I can't get to standing by myself yet. I love standing on the couch and looking out the window. Mommy and Daddy think I will be crawling very soon, I am practicing getting up on my hands and knees and trying so hard to pull myself up, maybe I'll just skip crawling all together and just start running!!! (mommy winces) Other than that things are good, I am babbling a lot, I say lots of dada's and I laugh all the time at everything, Mommy and Daddy say I am the sunshine in their day, that must be good, right!? I also have learned about eyes, if you ask me, I can point to my Monkey's or Daddy's eyes when you say "where are so and so's eyes?", I also know how to "give snuggles" and have learned how to "give a kiss" when asked (if I feel like giving out kisses, mostly only to Mommy). Mommy and Daddy are amazed at how smart I am for only 8 months old!!!
Anyway everybody, I hope you have a really great Easter! Can't wait for you to come and visit me at my new house! Enjoy the pictures, Lots and lots of love, Baby Max
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