It's Max again to tell you about being 24 weeks old. I am "just a pleasure to be around" so says Mommy and Daddy. I really am a happy baby. I hardly ever cry and I am always laughing and smiling at everyone.
My newest thing is I am learning to make new noises. I think in the last newsletter it was the zerbert noise...I tend to find a new sound and then do it over and over and over again for days and days on end until I perfect it. Lately it has been this high pitched screaming squealing noise. It is when I am having so much fun doing whatever and it is very cute. I pretty much make this sound all day long, it makes Mommy and Daddy laugh a lot.
I also like grabbing mommy's face and pulling it up to mine and rubbing noses, am I getting much more into snuggles and kisses.
This past week I got to try out my jolly jumper from great-auntie Annette, it is so cool, I sent some pictures of me in it. I don't really "jump" in it yet, but I do turn all around. I really like it a lot.
I am getting so big now, mommy had to go out and get me some new jammies, because I am growing like a weed she says, they can hardly keep up! Mommy and Daddy are going to start looking for a new apartment so that I will have more room for me and all of my stuff (I have a LOT of stuff!), and so that when I start crawling and running around I will have lots more space. She talked to the landlord about maybe leaving before their lease was up (whatever a lease is...) and he said no problem at all. So I am looking forward to seeing what our new house looks like! Please wish us luck that we find a good one with a backyard for me to play in!!!
Anyway friends and family, I miss you all VERY VERY much, I hope you are all doing very well.
Love you all!
Slobbery kisses,
Baby Max
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